Mario Kart 8 Competition

Brought to you by Game On Express, Spring Fling will be hosting a Mario Kart 8 competition featuring over $200.00 in prizes!

Registration is free with purchase of a weekend wristband and players will be seperated into two age groups:

Group 1 - Ages 12 and under

Group 2 - Ages 13 and up

How It Works


Participants must register online before Friday, May 24th - 12:00PM


Participants will be assigned a 'Game Time' - this will be there assigned play time on Saturday


Top players from each group of 4 will move onto quarter-finals on Sunday


Top players from quarter-finals will move onto semi-Finals


Top players from semi-Finals will move onto Finals.


Top final 2 players from each age group will be awarded prizes, including gift cards and gaming items


Participants may choose their character. Everyone will be required to use the same Standard Kart.

Rules & Regulations


All players must register beforehand via website before Friday, May 24th @ 12:00PM EST


Players will be divided into two groups based on age, verification of age may be requested


Prizes are awarded in gift cards and other items using an elimination system. First place will get first choice of prize, then second place, then third, etc... top 2 spots will be eligible for prizes.


Maps and courses to be chosen by competition hosts, all players in the group will play the same cup. Chosen cup will NOT be divulged before the event. Chosen cup may differ between age groups.


Ages 12 and under will play in 100cc category, while ages 13 and up will play in 150cc


Competition hosts have final say and have the right to disquslify anyone at any time for any reason they deem appropriate


Hate speech, offensive behavior, verbal abuse or any discrimation will result in automatic disqualification and removal from the competition


Food and/or drinks are NOT permitted in the video game trailer AT ANY TIME


Participants will be paired up randomly and will play vs 3 other competitors in an elimination style event


Competition will run on a single elimination basis per cup, participants will rank over 4 races of a specific cup


Semi-Finals and Finals may be hosted on Sunday depending on the amount of participants that signup in the competition


Spamming, hacking, cheating will result in automatic disqualification from competition


Each player can only enter the competition once, and may not play on behalf of other players


Players must use Game On Express hardware and are not permitted to bring/use any personal devices or make modifications to gaming hardware at ANY time


All participants and their parents/guardians understand and must sign a waiver giving permission for the competition to be streamed via social media platforms, and for footage to be used for promotional purposes for future events


Any malfunction or technical problems will void entry into competition and may require players to start over


Competition hosts and sponsors have the right to modify these rules AT ANY TIME, WITHOUT NOTICE for ANY REASON THEY SEE FIT


Final say rests with organizers of the competition, they reserve the right to disqualify participants for ANY REASON seen fit to them


Competitors must arrive at the Game On Express trailer 15 minutes prior to their scheduled timeslot to check-in. Players who have not checked-in at least 5 minutes prior to their start time will be disqualified. NO EXCEPTIONS!


While organizers will make best efforts to ensure players start on time delays can occur and players should allow for sufficient time to accomodate these delays. You are expected to arrive and remain present for your "Game Time" which will be 15 minutes prior to the start of your slot


Parents/guardians are not permitted in the trailer during the competition however viewing will be available via outside TV's - weather and technology permitting

Competition and Prizes Brought to you by: